For thus hath the Lord said unto me, Go, set a watchman, let him declare what he seeth. – Isaiah 21:6
Today’s Devil Fighters
“Mike Campbell and Bill Kannoy”
“Savior Soles Broadcast”, with Johnny’s daughter, Gayla Guidry
“Names of Jesus: Jesus is ‘G’ and ‘H‘”, by Pastor John Nichaus
“Abominations in the House” part 1, by Bro. Amos Nichaus
“Abominations in the House” part 2, by Bro. Amos Nichaus
“Abominations in the House” part 3, by Bro. Amos Nichaus
“Abominations in the House” part 4, by Bro. Amos Nichaus
“Abominations in the House” part 5, by Bro. Amos Nichaus
“Abominations in the House” part 6, by Bro. Amos Nichaus
“Gentleness“, by Bro. Amos Nichaus
“Five Warnings for Modern Believers“, by Bro. Amos Nichaus
“Finish Your Course“, by Bro. Amos Nichaus
“Look What The Wind Blew In”, by Bro. Ronnie Wilcox
“Staying With the Stuff”, by Bro. Ronnie Wilcox
“3-cord Scourge”, by Bro. Ron Hoy
“Preach a Little Bit”, by Bro. J. W. Briscoe
“Hell”, by Bro. Ed Ballew
“What to Do When You Are On the Bottom“, by Bro. Ed Ballew
“What Are Your Vital Signs?”, by Bro. Mason Holliday
“Pastor or Panty Waste?”, by Bro. Harold Leake
“Would You Vote?”, by Bro. Jim Cates
“Lawless Grace”, by Bro. Junior Hill
“Whiney, Hiney, Baptists”, by Mystery Preacher
“For Preachers Only”, by Bro. Stinnett Ballew
“Want Less”, by Bro. Doug Fisher
“Born Again”, by Bro. John Allen
“Mending The Thin Places In Our Lives”, by Bro. Roy Goodson
“Why God Allows Your Enemy To Keep Hanging Around”, by Bro. Dean McNeese
“Revival God’s Way”, by Bro. Tex Woody
“Beauty for Ashes”, by Bro. Ronnie Wilcox
“God and the Confederate Flag”, by Bro. Bob Roberts
“The Dirty Dozen”, by Bro. Jesse Carr
“Why I Love Jonah”, by Bro. Rick Proffitt
“The Other Side of the Coin”, by Bro. Jacob Frederick
“How To Be Like Daniel”, by Bro. Terry Hagendorn
“What Is Wrong With Doing What Is Right?”, by Bro. Ed McAbee
“Lining Up With Scripture”, by Bro. Don Savell
“Has God Baked You A Cake Lately?”, by Bro. James Bumgardner
“Why I Preach The Gospel”, by Bro. Richard Sandlin
“Give to Get”, by Bro. J.C. House
“Testimony”, by Bro. Kenny McComas
“Evangelize America”, by Bro. Bailey Smith
“Besor Baptist”, by Bro. Rick Safret
![]() Song Of Solomon Billy Kelly The Church A Body Harold Sightler A Burden Vs. A Call Jack Hyles Who Is Flying Away? Leroy Wright When A Revival? B.R. Lakin Payday Someday R.G. Lee (Note-Original Link is gone, audio replaced with video on Rumble) God Is Able To Turn It Around Billy Kelly How The Mighty Have Fallen Buster Seaton Motives For Ministry Andrew Telford Let’s Learn The Word Ed Vallowe Pitfalls For The Pastor (Part 1) (Part 2) George B. Duncan Dr. Law & Dr. Grace, Lester Roloff Living Without Worry (Part 1) (Part 2) Donald G. Barnhouse What May A Christian Expect In Heaven? (Part 1) (Part 2) John Walvoord |